The 17th Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival

17th Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival

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     Copyright: © 2015 The International Student Film Festival Tel Aviv
    Over a hundred student films participate in the various competitions of the 17th International Student Film Festival. Taking place in Cinematheque Tel Aviv and throughout the city, the festival is held between May 31st and June 6th. The festival celebrates 29 years to its inception and rated as one of the largest and most important of its kind.
    The festival is the main platform in Israel for short films: the International Competition offers a panoramic view to students’ perspective worldwide; The Israeli Competition presents the upcoming talents of the young filmmakers in Israel; and the Short Independent film Competition enables viewers to recognize the young Israeli directors’ developed style.
    Alongside the competitions, the festival holds a tribute to “Omnibus Films” – a full length film made of shorts, directed by a number of filmmakers to create a diverse, pluralistic film. Also during the festival a short film conference will be held in collaboration with “Beit Berl” school; a New Media program will illuminate burning issues in the interactive storytelling new methods; and a premiere screening of “Prologue – a framework for short films” will have its debut screenings.
    This year’s honorary guest include prominent figures from the contemporary film industry: the American director Hal Hartley, the Mexican director Michel Franco, the polish cinematographer Ryszard Lenczewski, the American editor Dylan Tichenor and many others, which will conduct Master Classes and screen their films.
    The festival grants the wide audience an opportunity to be familiar with the uprising stars in local and international film industries. The young filmmakers, free from commercial considerations often express their views by an uncompromised unique cinematic language. Thus, they are able to strengthen aspects of innovation and freshness that are essential to any art medium.
    Copyright: © 2015 The International Student Film Festival Tel Aviv